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Firewall Configuration with DMZ in Packet Tracer

we need to remember the logical configuration of our topology.Each one has a different security level.

We will configure in this lab the DMZ, where we usually keep our web server and our email server

Let's make that DMZ zone in our packet tracer topology

Configuration of Server

Configuration of ASA firewall

Now we will run the command show running-config

We see the 3 Vlans created

We will verify that vlan 3 is up and created in port 3

Now we will try to ping from inside to outside computer


But when we try that from the server look what happens

It crashes because it doesn't have the access control list

With access control list we will follow 3 steps:

  1. Create Access control list
  2. Verify
  3. Turning on that ACL
1.-Creating the Access Control list

2.-We will verify the creation of ACL on the firewall

3.-We will turn on the ACL

Firewall Configuration with DMZ in Packet Tracer Firewall  Configuration with DMZ in Packet Tracer Reviewed by ohhhvictor on October 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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